When Oh When Will that Day Be Mine?
Kabe Ha’be Bolo Se-Dina āmār By Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura Text One kabe ha’be bolo se-dina āmār (āmār) aparādha ghuci’, śuddha nāme ruci, kṛpā-bale ha’be hṛdoye sañcār TRANSLATION When, oh when will that day be mine? When my offenses ceasing, taste for the name increasing, when in my heart will your mercy shine, when, oh when will that day be mine? Text Two tṛṇādhika hīna, kabe nije māni’, sahiṣṇutā-guṇa hṛdoyete āni’ sakale mānada, āpani amānī, ho’ye āswādibo nāma-rasa-sār TRANSLATION Lower than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree. When will my mind attain this quality? Respectful to all, not expecting their honour, then shall I taste…
Srimati Radharani’s Appearance Day Ki Jaya!
Jaya Radhe Jaya Radhe Radhe by Hari Vyasa Devacarya Introductory Verse (not sung) nava-nava rańgi tri-bhańgi jaya, syāma su-ańgi syāma jaya rādhe jaya hari-priye, śrī-rādhe sukha dhāma All glories to that Person who stands in a beautiful three-fold stance! He is the connoisseur of newer and newer playful sports, and His body is effulgent with the nicest dark complexion. This is Lord Syama. All Glories to You, Radhe! All glories to You, Hari-priya! O Sri Radhe! You are the abode and reservoir of all happiness!” Refrain 1 (odd verses) jaya rādhe jaya rādhe rādhe jaya rādhe jaya śrī-rādhe Refrain 2 (even verses) jaya kṛṣṇa jaya kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa…
ISKCON Authority: Where Did It Originally Come From?
(And Where Does “ISKCON” Power Come From?) By Kailāsa Candra dāsa HARIḤ OM NAMAḤ We find the following excerpt from an important room conversation between His Divine Grace Śrila Prabhupāda and members of his Governing Body Commission at the Krishna-Balaram temple on May 28, 1977 in Vṛndāvan, India: Leading Secretary (1): The people who they give dīkṣā to, whose disciple are they? Prabhupāda: They’re his disciple. Leading Secretary (1): They’re his disciple. Prabhupāda: Who is initiating. He is grand disciple. Leading Secretary (2): Yes. Leading Secretary (1): That’s clear. Leading Secretary (2): Then, we have a question . . . Prabhupāda (interrupting): When I order, “You…