The Hard to Hide Incarnation
Jaya Sacinandana!
Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Antya Kanda, Chapter 9, English translation by Bhumipati dasa, Commentary by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada
Text 157
eka-dina advaita sakala bhakta-prati
balila paramanande matta hai’ ati//CB, Antya 9.157//
One day when Advaita Prabhu was intoxicated with ecstasy, He spoke to all the devotees.
Text 158
“suna bhai-saba, eka kara samavaya
mukha bhari’ gai’ aji sri-caitanya-raya//CB, Antya 9.158//
“Please listen, My dear brothers. Let us all together glorify Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
The word samavaya means “together.”
Text 159
aji ara kona avatara gaoya nai
sarva-avatara-maya—caitanya-gosani//CB, Antya 9.159//
“Today we will not glorify any incarnation other than Lord Caitanya, who is the source of all other incarnations.
Text 160
ye prabhu karila sarva-jagata-uddhara
ama-saba lagi’ ye gauranga-avatara//CB, Antya 9.160//
“This Lord is the deliverer of the entire universe, and He has incarnated as Gauranga for our benefit.
Text 161
sarvatra amara yanra prasade pujita
sankirtana-hena dhana ye kaila vidita//CB, Antya 9.161//
“Because of Him, we are worshiped everywhere. It was He who introduced the wealth of sankirtana.
It is well-known throughout the world that Sri Gaurasundara has established the supremacy of sankirtana. In Sri Gaurasundara’s own words: sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam—“All glories to Sri Krsna sankirtana, which fully refreshes everyone.”
Text 162
naci ami, tomara caitanya-yasa gao
simha hai’ gahi, pache mane bhaya pao”//CB, Antya 9.162//
“I will dance while you all sing the glories of Lord Caitanya, for if I sing as loud as a lion, you will all be frightened.”
Text 163
prabhu se apana lukayena nirantara
‘kruddha pache hayena’ sabara ei dara//CB, Antya 9.163//
The Lord generally concealed Himself, so they were afraid that He might become angry.
Text 164
tathapi advaita-vakya alanghya sabara
gaite lagila sri-caitanya-avatara//CB, Antya 9.164//
Still, Advaita’s instruction could not be disregarded. Therefore the devotees began singing the glories of Lord Caitanya.
Text 165
nacena advaita-simha parama vihvala
catur-dike gaya sabe caitanya-mangala//CB, Antya 9.165//
The lionlike Advaita danced and became overwhelmed in ecstasy as the devotees all around Him sang the auspicious glories of Lord Caitanya.
Text 166
nava avatarera suniya nama yasa
sakala vaisnava haila anande vivasa//CB, Antya 9.166//
All the devotees became stunned with ecstasy as they heard the chanting of the name and glories of this most recent incarnation.
Text 167
apane advaita caitanyera gita kari’
baliya nacena prabhu jagata nistari’//CB, Antya 9.167//
As Advaita danced, He sang a song He composed in glorification of Lord Caitanya for the deliverance of the entire universe
Text 168
“sri-caitanya-narayana karuna-sagara!
duhkhitera bandhu prabhu, more daya kara”//CB, Antya 9.168//
“O Lord Caitanya, You are Lord Narayana Himself. You are an ocean of mercy, and You are the friend of the distressed. Please be merciful on Me.”
Text 169
advaita-simhera sri-mukhera ei pada
ihara kirtane bade sakala sampada//CB, Antya 9.169//
By chanting this verse, which issued from the mouth of Advaita Simha, all one’s opulences are increased.
Text 170
keha bale,—“jaya jaya sri-sacinandana”
keha bale,—“jaya gauracandra-narayana//CB, Antya 9.170//
Some devotees chanted, “Jaya Sacinandana!” Other devotees chanted, “Jaya Gauracandra-Narayana!
Text 171
jaya sankirtana-priya sri-gaura-gopala
jaya bhakta-jana-priya pasandira kala”//CB, Antya 9.171//
“All glories to Sri Gaura-gopala, who is fond of sankirtana! All glories to the Lord, who is dear to the devotees and who is death personified for the atheists.
Text 172
nacena advaita-simha—parama uddama
gaya sabe caitanyera guna-karma-nama//CB, Antya 9.172//
Advaita Simha danced with great enthusiasm as the devotees sang the names, qualities, and pastimes of Lord Caitanya.
Text 173
“pulake carita gaya, sukhe gadagadi’ yaya,
dekhare caitanya-avatara
vaikuntha-nayaka hari, dvija-rupe avatari’,
sankirtane karena vihara//CB, Antya 9.173//
“Just behold the incarnation of Lord Caitanya, who sings His own glories, whose hairs stand on end, and who rolls on the ground in ecstasy. Lord Hari, the hero of Vaikuntha, has incarnated in the form of a brahmana to enjoy pastimes of sankirtana.
Text 174
kanaka jiniya kanti, sri-vigraha sobhe ati,
ajanu-lambita bhuja saje re
nyasi-vara-rupa-dhara, apana-rase vihvala,
na jani kemana sukhe nace re//CB, Antya 9.174//
“His complexion is like gold, His hands extend to His knees, and His form is most attractive. He has accepted the form of a sannyasi, and He becomes overwhelmed in His own ecstatic mood. I cannot describe how jubilantly He dances.
Text 175
(This song was composed by Advaita)
jaya sri-gaurasundara, karuna-sindhu,
jaya jaya vrndavana-rayajaya jaya
samprati jaya, navadvipa-purandara,
carana-kamala deha’ chaya”//CB, Antya 9.175//
“All glories to Sri Gaurasundara, the ocean of mercy! All glories to the Lord of Vrndavana! All glories to the recently advented Lord of Navadvipa! Please give me shelter at Your lotus feet.”
Text 176
ei saba kirtana karena bhakta-gana
nacena advaita bhavi’ sri-gaura-carana//CB, Antya 9.176//
As all the devotees chanted, Advaita Prabhu danced and meditated on the lotus feet of Gauranga.
Text 177
nava-avatarera nutana pada suni’
ullase vaisnava saba kare hari-dhvani//CB, Antya 9.177//
Hearing the new verses glorifying the most recent incarnation, all the Vaisnavas chanted the name of Hari in great joy.
Text 178
ki adbhuta haila se kirtana-ananda
sabe taha varnite parena nityananda//CB, Antya 9.178//
The bliss of that kirtana was wonderful, indeed only Nityananda can describe it.
Text 179
parama uddama suni’ kirtanera dhvani
sri-vijaya asiya haila nyasi-mani//CB, Antya 9.179//
Hearing the tumultuous sound of that kirtana, the best of the sannyasis came to that place.
Text 180
prabhu dekhi’ bhakta saba adhika harise
gayena, advaita nrtya karena ullase//CB, Antya 9.180//
When the devotees saw the Lord, they sang with greater enthusiasm and Advaita danced jubilantly.
Text 181
anande prabhure keha nahi kare bhaya
saksate gayena sabe caitanya-vijaya//CB, Antya 9.181//
In their ecstasy the devotees did not become frightened but continued chanting the Lord’s glories in His presence.
Text 182
niravadhi dasya-bhave prabhura vihara
‘muni krsnadasa’ bai na balaye ara//CB, Antya 9.182//
Yet the Lord always enjoyed the mood of a servant and would say, “I am Krsna’s servant.” He did not claim anything other than this.
Text 183
hena karo sakti nahi sammukhe tahane
‘isvara’ kariya balibeka ‘dasa’ vine//CB, Antya 9.183//
No one had the power to stand before the Lord and address Him as isvara rather than dasa.
Text 184
tathapiha sabe advaitera bala dhari’
gayena nirbhaya haiya caitanya sri-hari//CB, Antya 9.184//
Still, by the strength of Advaita, the devotees fearlessly glorified Lord Caitanya.
Text 185
ksaneka thakiya prabhu atma-stuti suni’
lajja yena paite lagila nyasi-mani//CB, Antya 9.185//
The Lord stood there for a moment, but on hearing His own glorification, He became somewhat embarrassed.
Text 186
sabasiksaite siksa-guru bhagavan
vasaya calilasuni’ apana-kirtana//CB, Antya 9.186//
To teach everyone, the Supreme Lord, who is the instructing spiritual master, then left that place for His own residence.
Text 187
tathapi kaharo citte na janmila bhaya
visese gayena aro caitanya-vijaya//CB, Antya 9.187//
Even then the devotees did not become frightened. Rather they chanted with greater enthusiasm.
Text 188
anande kaharo bahya nahika sarire
sabe dekhe—prabhu ache kirtana-bhitare//CB, Antya 9.188//
They all became so absorbed in ecstasy that they lost external consciousness. Then they saw the Lord dancing in the kirtana.
Text 189
matta-praya sabei caitanya-yasa gaya
sukhe sune sukrti, duskrti duhkha paya//CB, Antya 9.189//
They all chanted the glories of Lord Caitanya like madmen. The pious onlookers felt happy, while the impious onlookers felt distressed.
Text 190
sri-caitanya-yase prita na haya yahara
brahmacarya-sannyase va ki karya tahara//CB, Antya 9.190//
What is the use of being a sannyasi or a brahmacari if one is not attracted to the glorification of Lord Caitanya?
The brahmacarya and sannyasa asramas are superior to the grhastha and vanaprastha asramas. Yet the cultivation of asrama-dharma by those who, in spite of being situated in superior asramas, have no love for the glorification of Sri Caitanya is useless.
Text 191
ei mata parananda-sukhe bhakta-gana
sarva-kala karena sri-hari-sankirtana//CB, Antya 9.191//
In this way, the devotees always engaged in congregationally chanting the name of Hari in transcendental ecstasy.
Text 192
e saba ananda-krida padile sunile
e saba gosthite asiyao seha mile//CB, Antya 9.192//
Whoever reads or hears about these blissful pastimes certainly attains the association of such devotees.
Text 193
nrtya-gita kari’ sabe maha-bhakta-gana
ailena prabhure karite darasana//CB, Antya 9.193//
While chanting and dancing in this way, all the devotees went to meet the Lord at His residence.
Text 194
sri-caitanya prabhu nija-kirtana suniya
sabare dekhai bhaya achena suiya//CB, Antya 9.194//
But after hearing the devotees chant His glories, Sri Caitanya laid down to induce fear in them.
Text 195
“vaisnava sakala asiyachena duyare”
sukrti govinda janailena prabhure//CB, Antya 9.195//
The pious Govinda informed the Lord, “All the Vaisnavas have come to see You.”
Text 196
govindere ajna haila sabare anite
sayane achena, na cahena karo bhite//CB, Antya 9.196//
On receiving permission, Govinda brought the devotees in, but the Lord remained lying down ignoring them.
Text 197
bhaya-yukta haiya sakala bhakta-gana
cintite lagila gauracandrera carana//CB, Antya 9.197//
Then all the devotees became fearful, and they began to meditate on Gauracandra’s lotus feet.
Text 198
ksaneke uthila prabhu sri-bhakta-vatsala
balite lagila,—“aye vaisnava-sakala!//CB, Antya 9.198//
After a moment, the Lord, who is affectionate to His devotees, began to speak: “O Vaisnavas!
Text 199
ahe ahe srinivasa-pandita udara!
aji tumi saba ki karila avatara//CB, Antya 9.199//
“O magnanimous Srivasa Pandita, what were you doing today?
Text 200
chadiya krsnera nama, krsnera kirtana
ki gaila amare ta bujhaha ekhana”//CB, Antya 9.200//
“You gave up the glorification of Krsna and His name, and then who did you glorify? Please tell Me.”
Text 201
mahavaktasrinivasa balena,—“gosani!
jivera svatantra-sakti mule kichu nai//CB, Antya 9.201//
The eloquent Srivasa Pandita replied, “O Gosani, there is no independence at all for the living entity.
Text 202
yena karayena, yena balayena isvare
se-i aji balilana, kahila tomare”//CB, Antya 9.202//
“I can clearly tell You that today we acted and spoke in whatever way the Lord inspired us.”
Text 203
prabhu bale,—“tumi-saba haiya pandita
lukaya ye, kene tare karaha vidita”//CB, Antya 9.203//
The Lord said, “You are all learned scholars. Why would you expose someone who wants to remain hidden?”
Sri Gaurasundara said to Srivasa and the other devotees, “You are all learned, so why did you begin glorifying Gaura instead of glorifying the names of Krsna? When Lord Krsna desires to conceal His own identity, what will you gain by disclosing those topics?”
Text 204
suniya prabhura vakya pandita-srivase
haste surya acchadiya mane mane hase//CB, Antya 9.204//
On hearing the Lord’s words, Srivasa Pandita chuckled to himself as he tried to cover the sun with his two hands.
Text 205
prabhu bale,—“ki sanketa kaila hasta diya
tomara sanketa tumi kahata’ bhangiya”//CB, Antya 9.205//
The Lord then asked him, “What is the meaning of this gesture you are making with your hands? Please explain.”
Text 206
srivasa balena—“haste surya dhakilana
tomare vidita kari’ ei kahilana//CB, Antya 9.206//
Srivasa Pandita said, “To tell You the truth, I was covering the sun with my hands.
Text 207
haste ki kakhana pari surya acchadite
sei mata asambhava toma lukaite//CB, Antya 9.207//
“But how is it possible to cover the sun with one’s hands? Similarly, it is impossible to hide You.
Text 208
surya yadi haste va hayena acchadita
tabu tumi lukaite nara’ kadacita//CB, Antya 9.208//
“Even if the sun can somehow or other be covered by one’s hands, You will never be able to hide Yourself.
Text 209
ye narila lukaite ksiroda-sagare
lokalaye acchadana kise kari’ tanre//CB, Antya 9.209//
“How could one hide in this world when He could not hide in the ocean of milk?
Text 210
hemagiri setubandha prthivi paryanta
tomara nirmala yase purila diganta//CB, Antya 9.210//
“From the Himalayas to Setubandha, throughout the world, Your spotless glories are spread in all directions.
Text 211
a-brahmanda purna haila tomara kirtane
kata jana danda tumi kariba kemane”//CB, Antya 9.211//
“The chanting of Your glories has filled the entire universe. How many people can You punish for this?”
Text 212
sarva-kala bhakta-jaya badana isvare
hena-kale adbhuta haila asi’ dvare//CB, Antya 9.212//
The Lord always increases the glories of His devotees. At that time something wonderful happened just outside the door.
Text 213
sahasra sahasra jana na jani kothara
jagannatha dekhi’ aila prabhu dekhibara//CB, Antya 9.213//
Thousands of people who had come to take darsana of Lord Jagannatha suddenly came to see Lord Caitanya.
Text 214
keha va tripura, keha catigrama-vasisri
hattiya loka keha, keha banga-desi//CB, Antya 9.214//
Some people came from Tripura, some came from Catigrama, some came from Srihatta, and some came from Bengal.
Text 215
sahasra sahasra loka karena kirtana
sri-caitanya-avatara kariya varnana//CB, Antya 9.215//
There were thousands of people performing kirtana in glorification of Lord Caitanya.
Text 216
“jaya jaya sri-krsna-caitanya vanama
lijaya jaya nija-bhakti-rasa-kutuhali//CB, Antya 9.216//
“All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya, who wears a garland of forest flowers! All glories to the Lord, who eagerly enjoys the mellows of His own devotional service!
Text 217
jaya jaya parama sannyasi-rupa-dhari
jaya jaya sankirtana-lampata-murari//CB, Antya 9.217//
“All glories to the Supreme Lord, who has accepted the form of the topmost sannyasi! All glories to Murari, who is most attached to the process of sankirtana!
The phrase sankirtana-lampata refers to one who is more intensely attached to the congregational chanting of Krsna’s glories than to other limbs of devotional service.
Text 218
jaya jaya dvija-raja vaikuntha-vihari
jaya jaya sarva-jagatera upakari//CB, Antya 9.218//
“All glories to the best of the brahmanas, who always enjoys in Vaikuntha! All glories to the Supreme Lord, who is the greatest benefactor of the world!
Text 219
jaya krsna-caitanya sri-sacira nandana
ei-mata gai nace sata-sankhya jana//CB, Antya 9.219//
“All glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya, the son of Saci!” In this way hundreds of people chanted and danced.
Text 220
srivasa balena,—“prabhu, ebe ki kariba
sakala samsara gaya, kotha lukaiba//CB, Antya 9.220//
Then Srivasa Pandita said, “O my Lord, what will You do now? The whole world is singing Your glories. Where will You hide?
Text 221
muni ki sikhai prabhu e saba lokere
ei-mata gaya prabhu, sakala samsare//CB, Antya 9.221//
“Have I taught all these people? O Lord, the entire world chants Your glories in this way.
Texts 222-223
adrsya avyakta tumi haiyao natha!
karunaya haiyacha jivera saksata
luka o apane tumi, prakasa apane
yare anugraha kara’ jane se-i jane” //CB, Antya 9.222-223//
“O Lord, although You are unseen and unmanifest, You have now mercifully manifest Yourself before the people of this world. You hide Yourself, and You manifest Yourself. Only one who receives Your favor can know You.”
The Mundaka Upanisad (1.1.5-6) says:
yat tad adresyam agrahyam agotram avarnam acaksuh-srotram tad
apani-padam nityam vibhum sarva-gatam su-suksmam tad avyayam yad
bhuta-yonim paripasyanti dhirah
“Self-controlled persons are able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who cannot be seen by material eyes or understood by the material mind, who has no material family, no material caste, and no material eyes, ears, hands, or feet, who is eternal, all-powerful, allpervading, subtle, and unchanging, and who is the creator of all.”
In the Narayana Upanisad it is stated:
yad ekam avyaktam ananta-rupam
visvam puranam tamasah parastat
tad evartam tadusatyam ahus tad
eva brahma param kavinam
“The one, unmanifested, who possesses unlimited forms, the primeval Lord of the universe and the Lord who is transcendental to the material creation, is certainly the sustainer, the Absolute Truth, and the Supreme Brahman of the sages.”
The Laghu-bhagavatamrta (404-405) quotes the following verses from the Mahabharata (Santi 339.44-45):
etat tvaya na vijneyam
rupavan iti drsyate
icchan muhurtat nasyeyam
iso ‘ham jagatam guruh
maya hy esa maya srsta
yan mam pasyasi narada
sarva-bhuta-gunair yuktam
naiva tvam jnatum arhasi
“Do not consider that I am visible because I have a material form. If I wish I can disappear within a moment. I am the controller and spiritual master of the universe. O Narada, the form of Mine that you are now seeing is the creator of the illusory energy, therefore you should know that I am completely unaffected by the three modes of material nature.”
The Laghu-bhagavatamrta (419) further quotes the Mahabharata as follows:
na sakyah sa tvaya drastum
asmabhir va brhaspate
yasya prasadam kurute
sa va tam drastum arhati”
“O Brhaspati, neither you nor we are able to see the Lord. Only one who attains the Lord’s mercy is able to see Him.”
The Laghu-bhagavatamrta (423) quotes the Padma Purana as follows:
syat krsno ’dhoksajo ’py asau
nija-sakteh prabhavena
svam bhaktan darsayet prabhuh
“Because His form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, Lord Krsna is beyond the perception of the senses. By the power of His own transcendental potency, the Lord shows Himself to His devotees.”
Text 224
prabhu bale,—“tumi nija-sakti prakasiya
balao lokera mukhe janilana iha//CB, Antya 9.224//
The Lord said, “I can understand that you have made these people glorify Me by manifesting your spiritual potency.
Text 225
tomare harila muni sunaha pandita!
janilana—tumi sarva-sakti-samanvita”//CB, Antya 9.225//
“O Pandita, I have been defeated by you. I can understand that you possess all potencies.”
Text 226
sarva-kala prabhu badayena bhakta-jaya
e tana svabhava—vede bhagavate kaya//CB, Antya 9.226//
It is the nature of the Lord to always increase the glories of His devotees. This is confirmed in the Vedas and in the Bhagavatam.
Text 227
hasya-mukhe sarva-vaisnavere gaura-raya
vidaya dilena, sabe calila vasaya//CB, Antya 9.227//
Then, smiling on the devotees, the Lord sent them off, and they returned to their residences.
Text 228
hena se caitanyadeva sri-bhakta-vatsala
ihane se ‘krsna’ kari’ gayena sakala//CB, Antya 9.228//
Such was the affection shown to the devotees by Lord Caitanya, who is glorified by everyone as Krsna Himself.
Text 229
nityananda-advaitadi yateka pradhana
sabe bale “sri-krsna-caitanya bhagavan”//CB, Antya 9.229//
Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Acarya, and all other leading devotees declare that Sri Krsna Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 230
e sakala isvarera vacana langhiya
anyere balaye ‘krsna’ se-i abhagiya//CB, Antya 9.230//
Anyone who does not accept the verdict of such great personalities but accepts someone else as Krsna is certainly unfortunate.
The visnu-tattvas Sri Nityananda and Sri Advaita as well as other prominent devotees of Gaura accepted Sri Caitanyadeva as the original Personality of Godhead. But unfortunate people by defective intelligence designate living entities influenced by the threefold material miseries as Krsna. Sri Krsna Caitanyadeva taught living entities how to attain ecstatic love for Krsna, the topmost of all goals of life. People who attribute the position of God on human beings accept preachers of extraneous desires, karma, and jnana as God rather than accepting them as lumps of matter forced to enjoy the results of karma. This is the symptom of their great misfortune.
Text 231
sesasayi laksmikanta srivatsa-lanchana
kaustubha-bhusana ara garuda-vahana//CB, Antya 9.231//
The Supreme Lord lies on Sesa Naga, He is the husband of the goddess of fortune, His chest is decorated with the mark of Srivatsa and the Kaustubha jewel, and His carrier is Garuda.
Texts 232-233
e saba krsnera cihna janiha niscaya
ganga ara karo pada-padme na janmaya
sri-caitanya vina iha anye na sambhave
ei kahe vede sastre sakala vaisnave//CB, Antya 9.232-233//
Know for certain that all these symptoms are found in Krsna, and that mother Ganges does not appear from the lotus feet of anyone else. Except for Lord Caitanya, these symptoms are not possibly found in
anyone else. This is the statement of the Vedic literatures and the Vaisnavas.
The Ganges emanates from the lotus feet of Krsna, who is the cause of all causes, whose form is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss, and who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Except Sri Krsna, all the demigods hold the Ganges water on their heads. The Ganges cannot emanate from the feet of any demigod. To attain the lotus feet of Sri Gaurasundara, Gangadevi induced common people to give up the observance of the Sri Vaisnavas from the Ramanuja-sampradaya and take bath in the Ganges,because Sri Gaurasundara followed the local tradition and took bath in the Jahnavi, who emanated from His lotus feet.
See the Srimad Bhagavatam (9.4.63-68 and 1.9.37). In the Srimad Bhagavatam (11.14.15) it is stated:
na tatha me priya-tama
atma-yonir na sankarahna
ca sankarsano na srir
naivatma ca yatha bhavan
“O Uddhava, neither Brahma, nor Sankara, nor Sankarsana, nor Laksmi, nor even My own self is as dear to Me as you.”
In the Srimad Bhagavatam (10.3.8-9) it is stated:
devakyam deva-rupinyam
visnuh sarva-guha-sayah
avirasid yatha pracyam
disindur iva puskalah
tam adbhutam balakam ambujeksanam
catur-bhujam sankha-gadady-udayudham
srivatsa-laksmam gala-sobhi-kaustubham
pitambaram sandra-payoda-saubhagam
“Then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who is situated in the core of everyone’s heart, appeared from the heart of Devaki like the full moon rising on the eastern horizon, because Devaki was of the same category as Sri Krsna. Vasudeva then saw the newborn child, who had very wonderful lotuslike eyes and who bore in His four hands the four weapons sankha, cakra, gada, and padma. On His chest was the mark of Srivatsa and on His neck the brilliant Kaustubha gem.”
In the Srimad Bhagavatam (10.3.13) it is stated:
vidito ’si bhavan saksat
purusah prakrteh parah
“Now I can understand that You are the Supreme Person, beyond material existence.”
In the Srimad Bhagavatam (10.66.13-14) it is stated:
bibhranam kaustubha-manim
kauseya-vasasi pite
vasanam garuda-dhvajam
“He carried the conchshell, disc, sword, club, and Sarnga bow. He was decorated with the mark of Srivatsa, the Kaustubha gem, and a garland of forest flowers. He was dressed in upper and lower garments of fine yellow silk. His banner bore the image of Garuda, and He wore a valuable crown and gleaming, shark-shaped earrings.”
In the Srimad Bhagavatam (1.18.21) it is stated:
athapi yat-pada-nakhavasrstam
jagad virincopahrtarhanambhah
sesam punaty anyatamo mukundat
ko nama loke bhagavat-padarthah
“Who can be worthy of the name of the Supreme Lord but the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna? Brahmaji collected the water emanating from the nails of His feet in order to award it to Lord Siva as a worshipful welcome. This very water [the Ganges] is purifying the whole universe, including
Lord Siva.”
In the Srimad Bhagavatam (10.70.44) it is stated:
yasyamalam divi yasah prathitam rasayam
bhumau ca te bhuvana-mangala dig-vitanam
mandakiniti divi bhogavatiti cadho
gangeti ceha caranambu punati visvam
“My dear Lord, You are the symbol of everything auspicious. Your transcendental name and fame is spread like a canopy all over the universe, including the higher, middle, and lower planetary systems. The transcendental water that washes Your lotus feet is known in the higher planetary systems as the Mandakini River, in the lower planetary systems as the Bhogavati, and in this earthly planetary system as the Ganges. This sacred, transcendental water flows throughout the entire universe, purifying wherever it goes.”
Text 234
sarva-vaisnavera vakya ye adare laya
sei saba jana paya sarvatra vijaya//CB, Antya 9.234//
Whoever respectfully accepts the statements of the Vaisnavas is victorious everywhere.
Those who are dedicated to the scriptural conclusions and who faithfully accept the instructions and understanding of the Lord’s devotees become victorious everywhere.
Text 235
hena-mate mahaprabhu sri-gaurasundara
bhakta-gosthi-sange viharena nirantara//CB, Antya 9.235//
In this way Sri Gaurasundara always enjoyed pastimes in the company of His devotees.