The Question Science Doesn’t Ask (or Answer)
Srila Prabhupada Morning Walk, April 26, 1973 Devotee: (introducing recording) Prabhupāda’s morning walk. Los Angeles, April 26, 1973. Prabhupāda: . . . about animals not willing to die. Why? What is the psychology? Nobody wants to die. Svarūpa Dāmodara: They will ask, “How do I know that animals do not want to die?” Prabhupāda: That is another foolishness. As soon as you want to kill, it cries. Man or animal, anyone. Even the trees, they feel pain. That is also . . . you do not know that? Svarūpa Dāmodara: They’re conscious. Prabhupāda: No. They feel pain. You know Jagadisha Bose’s pulsitation . . .? What is called? Svarūpa Dāmodara:…
Perfect Discretion Part 1 of 3
(On Accepting the GBC as Spiritual Authority) by Nitya Krishna dasa “Devotees may be divided into three classes. The devotee in the first or uppermost class is described as follows: one is very expert in the study of relevant scriptures, and he is also expert in putting forward arguments in terms of those scriptures. He can very nicely present conclusions with perfect discretion and can consider the ways of devotional service in a decisive way. . . . . . The first-class devotee never deviates from the principles of higher authority, and he attains firm faith in the scriptures by understanding with all reason and arguments. When we…