Brahmana and Vaishnava by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada
Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Thakura_Brahmana_and_Vaisnava Click link to view pdf. My Brijbhasi friend Krishna Balarama Swami preaches that for one to be a guru they must be born in a brahmana family. Brahmana and Vaishnava largely refutes that. For Krishna Balarama Swami’s position – Guru Nirnaya Dipika For point for point refutation – The Sarasvata Parampara and The Caste Brahmana Guru by B.V. Giri Maharaja
Lesser-Known Verse Predicting Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Cited by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada in Commentary to Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat, Antya Kanda, Chapter 1, Texts 262-265 (English translation by Bhumipati dasa): In the Visnu-sahasra-nama of the Atharva Veda, Third Kanda, it is stated: ity aham krta-sannyaso ‘vatarisyami kalau catuh-sahasrabdopari pancasahasrabhyantare gaura-varno dirghangah sarva-laksana-yukta isvaraprarthito nija-rasasvado misrakhyo vidita-yogo ‘syam. “I will descend from Goloka-dhama and appear on the earth planet during the first sandhya of Kali-yuga—after four thousand and before five thousand years have passed—in Mayapur, Navadvipa, on the banks of the Ganges. I will appear in the form of a brahmana with a large, golden complexioned body measuring four cubits in height and in breadth, endowed…