• Previous Acaryas text

    Soka Satana (The Destroyer of Lamentation)

    by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, English translation by Bhumipati dasa pradosa-samaye, srivasa-angane sangopane gora-mani sri-hari-kirtane, nace nana-range, uthila mangala-dhvani In the evening, Lord Gauranga danced in various ways within Srivasa’s enclosed courtyard as the auspicious vibration of Hari’s name filled the atmosphere. mrdanga madala, baje karatala majhe majhe jayatura prabhura natana, dekhi’ sakalera, haila santapa dura The kirtana was accompanied by mrdangas, drums, karatalas, and occasional cries of “Jaya!” The miseries of everyone who saw the Lord’s dancing were destroyed. akhanda premete, matala takhana sakala bhakata-gana apana pasari’, goracande gheri’, nace gaya anuksana The devotees became intoxicated in uninterrupted ecstatic love. They forgot themselves as they continually danced around Gauracandra. e-mata…