• Devotee Writings etc.

    Bhaktipadastakam Prayers

    Sanskrit and English translations by Kusakratha dasa   Narrative comments by bhakta Eric Johanson   The following Sanskrit verses represent the pinnacle of zonal acarya hubris, pretense and delusion. Now, some 40 years after their era, many don’t know that thousands of devotees thought that these eleven men were all pure devotees, residents of the absolute spiritual sky. The one with the most believers, however, was Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada, Srila Prabhupada’s first sannyasa disciple. Someone versed in Sanskrit actually composed these “prayers” to him. Verses and photo courtesy of henrydoktorski.com.   chaitanya-sankirtan-dhama navya- vrndavanam dhama praksitam tu yenaiva tam sri-prabhupada-prestham sri-bhaktipadam satatam stumas tam Let me sing about your unlimited…